1st House
Element: Fire

Your basic personality or energy that is projected into the world (especially the ascendant itself); your characteristic manner of self-expression; how you present yourself to the world as a separate and unique individual.
Habits, mannerisms, characteristic quirks; instinctive behavior, your unthinking, habitual mode of acting; self-image; your public “persona” (or “mask”) that you present to others; the physical body, the impression your appearance makes on others; drive, (physical) vitality, health.

2nd House
Element: Earth 

The things and resources you bring into your life to support your existence here; how you value things, the ego attachments you make with them, attitudes toward wealth and abundance.
Money, possessions; things that make life easier, more pleasant, productive, or abundant; the manner in which you use resources, lines of work that bring income .

3rd House
Element: Air 

The Lower Mind; your skills for dealing with day-to-day living.
Communication, use of language; social skills, education, learning; short journeys, moving about in your immediate environment; neighborhood, younger brothers, sisters, neighbors.

4th House
Element: Water 

Roots, family, home; the “ground” that supports and nurtures you in the world; the deep or collective unconscious; sense of belonging, support; a place to retreat to for renewal.
Private, personal life; home (both childhood and adult); your family, genetic and emotional background, support from the family; your deepest emotional patterns (from childhood upbringing); ancestors, your native land, tradition, the past; real estate; both the beginning and ending of life; the nurturing parent; urgings from the unconscious, the “still small voice within” of the soul; instincts, archetypes (the heritage of our species); Mother Earth.

5th House
Element: Fire 

Play, self-expression, things done “just because of who I am”; creative or artistic expression; love affairs as an expression of self.
Activities carried out for their own sake, as a creative outpouring of your inner nature; children; art; gambling, speculation, investment; amusements; love affairs, sexuality, especially expressing yourself through the role of Lover.

6th House
Element: Earth 

Activities carried out for some other purpose or to benefit someone else; service, helping; dealing with “mundane details” of living, adjustments to physical reality, health issues; self-sacrifice.
Health, illness, nutrition, exercise; taking care of yourself (body and mind) so you’re a “fit vehicle” for doing your real work; service or work done for someone else, work others do for you; sickness as a symptom that you aren’t adjusting to life skillfully, need to change; employees, servants; “house of slavery”; deferred self gratification; small animals.

7th House
Element: Air 

Relationship, partnership for yourself; experience of self within relationships.
Close one-to-one partnerships; marriage or business partners; counselors and therapists, open enemies, conflicts, lawsuits; your Shadow side, the parts of our personality that you deny or ignore.

8th House
Element: Water 

Self-transformation, renewal, breaking ties to the past; overcoming old limitations; resources and support from partners; the transformative effect of relationships.
Death, inheritances; challenges to your personal status quo, especially due to partners; letting go of possessions and resources that no longer suit you; ego-death, illumination, rebirth; sexuality, especially the momentary ego-death of orgasm; deeply emotional house, dealing with one’s strongest feelings of who you are (which are limitations to overcome!).

9th House
Element: Fire 

Higher Mind, Consciousness expansion, learning, Wisdom and insight; new experiences that cause you to change your limited viewpoint; Journeys to new realities.
Religion, philosophy, higher education; longer journeys that take you out of your everyday reality; the law, the social contract that puts you in contact with others; peak experiences, inspiration; personal insight, new awareness of the workings of your own psyche; fully conscious, non-habitual workings of the mind; spiritual disciplines; reaching out to new experiences.

10th House
Element: Earth 

Achievement, Reward, prestige for your labors; issues of authority.
The disciplining, socializing parent; authority figures, bosses, government heads; honor, social status, recognition; career, profession, “what you do”; reaping the benefits of hard work, the fruition of plans; integrating yourself into society at large; transcending your boundaries by becoming part of a larger whole; the experience of “fathering”.

11th House
Element: Air 

The fellowship of like-minded people, friends and groups that share your values and ideals; banding together with others to achieve your collective goals; group identity, Fulfillment of Desire
Hopes, ideals, wishes; groups or organizations; relationships with groups, your roots and attachments to the social world; friendships; experiencing the role of the Beloved, being the object of another’s love.

12th House
Element: Water 

Testing of new energies or skills; dealing with the setbacks related to new directions or abilities; the personal unconscious, repressions, disowned or denied parts of the psyche; realizing limitations or transcending them. Self denial, altruistic service, sacrifice; hospitals, prisons, asylums; old karma that limits the present life; shameful secrets; secret, covert enemies, circumstances leading to your “undoing”; illness (mental or physical); being cut off from the world, “a monk’s life”; on the positive side, when the original energy is not met with defeat, it can become an important strength; old limitations can be transcended and become your greatest strengths

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Books By Sanjeev Gadhok

Finding Your Partner
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Tarot: Do It Yourself
By: Sanjeev Gadhok

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